
I’ve been thinking about setting some goals again… I think it’s time to rejig and update my list. Mark has been talking about goal-setting quite a bit recently. It sent me off on a wee search for my 43 Things account, which I have used very little… it’s interesting to see what’s on the list, I haven’t really used it since I set it up about a year ago. I discovered that I’d achieved one of the goals since then – see e.s.t. live in concert – it’s good to recognise goals being achieved.

I’ve been slowly working my way through Eugene Petersons’ book, Christ Plays In Ten Thousand Places. He puts it well when he writes,

“Never, impatient with the limitations of time, did Jesus slip through some time-warp and bypass the waiting. Never, chafing under the limitations of place, did Jesus replace the local with some generalized and ethereal spiritual “presence”. Anything and everything in creation was an occasion for the glory, the entire creation manifesting the bright presence of God, even in, especially in, the most unlikely times and places; the line between supernaural and natural constantly was blurred.”

This reality that “anything and everything” is an opportunity to delve into God-revelation is part of the excitement for me of setting goals. Every goal I set is a way for me to get to know more of this beyond-my-comprehension God I serve.

Find my current goal list at 43 Things… I guess I will update it in the next few days and weeks as I get some clarity.

Lenses Galore

I am trying to find a way to purchase one of these. Please help me! Noone seems to have a wide-angle lens that I could borrow (really want it for America in July/Aug) so I am trying to find a way to afford one… without using all my student loan for next year! Anyone got any ideas?

How about buying some of my pictures if you’ve got the cash?? That’d help a student with an expensive hobby (hobby? maybe it’s more than that) out.


In the vein of Ally’s recent posts…. I thought I’d post a picture of my dinner tonight. I was in the mood for cooking something proper, a full meal, so here’s what I had…

Chicked stuffed with mango, on a bed of mashed potato, with julienne carrots.

Yes, I know… I burnt the chicken… It was my first time cooking this, was just experiementing really… and I burnt the chicken, which was disappointing… but man I so enjoyed this meal!!

1000 Words

Shaun just blogged about this great idea… let him know what you think. I love Shauns heart for the broken and the down-and-outs. It comes across in his writting… he just seems to beat for this stuff.

It’s a welcome change to those who don’t really seem to care that there are millions of people living in hell on earth now. Sometimes people ask me about what I think about heaven and hell after this life… I think my response sometimes suprises them. It’s not that I don’t think life after earth is important… but I’m much more concerned with heaven and hell here, right now, on earth, than I am after it. I love Christian Aid’s tagline… Life Before Death. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that.

(re)present launch

Threw a wee launch party thing on Saturday night for my photography exhibition in Offshore. Just a few friends came down, was very civilised… felt very cultured that evening! There are some more pictures on my flickr