
This is flippin’ crazy. I can’t believe what my lifes been like for the last 4 weeks or so. So so much to catch you guys up on, just no time right now. I’m currently in New York City… love it.

Spent 36 hours in Ireland (a seperate blog post soon!).

Experienced the most surreal and extreme living conditions in the space of 5 days (also a seperate post).

Had some awesome God experiences.

Spent a week with my family.

Turned 20.


More later!


Yo blogging buddies… a quick check in. I’m in Riga for a few days now to “rest”… more on that later. Can’t stop long, million things to do, like finding/booking hostels for USA next week etc. One week to my birthday!

Latvia has been amazing so far and God keeps blowing my mind with more of his goodness.

 With eyes on Jesus!

iPhone USA Release

The iPhone came out this weekend in America. Andrew has a good post here about why he wont be buying one. Very logical and well thought out… I still want one though!

Going After The Nobodies

“Go after the people nobody wants and I’ll give you the people everybody wants.”

This is the thing that the LA Dream Center felt God press deep onto their hearts. Love this vision… maybe because I feel myself pulled towards the nobodies so much, which can be a difficult/painful/lonely experience.

HT: Mark


My internet access at home is banjaxed, so I apologise if I don’t reply to emails or blog much for a while! In the process of trying to get it fixed, no idea whats wrong. Anywho. Just so you know!

Favourite Things

Last night I took a wee trip up to the North Coast…

portstewart claire+i

Favourite place… great company… beautiful evening… what more can a girl ask for?!?