Last Day

Tomorrow is my last day at work… 6 weeks come to an end! I’m hoping that I can get back to some decent blogging again. I dunno, it takes it out of you! Kinda drains your energy.

Some random thoughts:

I’m loving reading and exploring the concept of Sabbath right now.

There’s potentially some exciting new things re: photography kicking off.

I have another flight out of the country booked… guess where and when? (Unless you already know!!)

I’m looking at next summers trips… flights are expensive!

I still really want a nice wide-angle lens for my camera.

The Big Smoke

I’m in Glasgow 🙂

Yea, so I realised I haven’t done a great job at updating you all (like, all 3 of you) recently! I’ve been working full-time in an office, 8:30-4:30 Mon-Fri. Realising how much working full-time takes it out of you actually. I’ll blog about my trip to the US soon hopefully, and get some more pictures on flickr.

When I haven’t been working I’ve just been catching up with friends. It’s been great to hang out with folks I hadnt seen in a while.

This weekend I’m in Glasgow. Came across on the boat with my parents and wee bro to move my stuff into my flat. Just moved into a flat in Partick with a couple of girls, pretty excited about living with them. Can’t wait for term to start to be honest. I head back to NI on Sunday evening for another weeks work before I’m back in Glasgow proper. Term starts next Tuesday 25th I do believe.

It’s nice to be in Glasgow… get to go to my church, see friends I’ve missed, and so on. Went to Offshore today, was lovely to be back!

Righto… off to put the wee bro to bed!


I am searching for something, and I don’t quite know what it is yet.

I’m not purposefully on a blogging break… but I don’t feel like I have much to say at the minute, or much that can be said. So, I’d rather not write, than write about nothing.

Link Love

So… yes, I finally got round to sending some link love…

I’ve added some new bloggers to the blogroll (and some not-so-new ones that I just didn’t quite get round to…), and I’ll post some links here to blogs I’m loving at this current point in time.

A few more Glasgow Uni blogging friends – Fran and Holly to start with, both medics and deep thinkers. Fran loves photography as much as me I do believe. Holly loves home mission as much as me. Phil is blogging too, not sure if it’s just for while he’s in Chechnya or more permanent. Phil and I were in Latvia this summer on team as well as being at UoG.

Gillian may blog from time to time… if she blogs regularly I’ll add a permanent link haha.

Claire is blogging occasionally also… I linked here when she started, but now she’s in the blogroll too.

Rick has been blogging for quite a while now, but I’m increasingly challenged and encouraged by his words so I’ve linked him up in the blogroll too.

John is a guy I met and got to hang out with for a few days in DC… he has a passion for justice like I’ve never seen before, as do a lot of the folks I met through the Week of Justice there (more on that later).

Loving Longbrakes blog at the minute… I am envious of the roadtrip they are doing… maybe I will do one in Scotland. That would be fun. He’s thinking about some stuff I’m thinking about too.

That’s all for now.

Freedom & Security

I have a million and one things going through my head right now.

I read an article in yesterdays Guardian paper, “To Have and To Hold” by Stuart Jeffries. It’s about our modern phobia of commitment, and it raises some interesting points for me.

He quotes,

“But promises of committment are meaningless in the long term, too – committment isn’t an act of free will.”

Huh? Surely committment is a free-will choice by design – is that not what makes it different from obligation? We make the decision that we will commit to something, and we follow through on that (or not, as the case may be). If we renege on a commitment, that too has been our choice. To me that quote just doesn’t make sense.

Later he quotes Melanie Phillips, who defends the institution of marriage, as saying,

“The law is based on justice; justice requires that you don’t get something for nothing. You don’t claim rights if you don’t enter obligations.”

Jeffries tries to claim that this point is invalid, as cohabiting partners are just as committed to each other as married couples. So why not just get married? If they are that committed to each other what stops them getting married? The fear that it may fall through…? I feel I should reiterate that point: You don’t claim rights if you don’t enter obligations.

I heard a sermon recently on how we are “options” people, but God is an “obligation” person… need to look out my notes from it for further observations.

Loved this quote from it,

“Love has always been difficult, but now more than ever when we seek both freedom from love’s bonds and at the same time yearn for the security it seems to offer.”