Idealism: (n.)
The practice of forming or pursuing ideals, esp. unrealistically.
The belief that ideals can be achieved, even if this does not seem likely to others.
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about this idea of being ‘idealistic’. It seems like more often than not today it is used as a dirty word. It is bandied about and applied to people who others think are a bit crazy, not in touch with reality. Maybe they’re right. But idealistic is not a dirty word.
I want to reclaim it as a good thing.
I’m the first person to admit that I’m young and idealistic. But why is that bad? What is the point of having ideals if we are not willing to pursue them? If we don’t think they can be lived out? Would you rather think that a better world is possible, but not want to try to achieve it? I’m not naive enough to think that it is easy or perfect as we pursue idealistic dreams – everything costs something. It’s just that I’m willing to pay the price to try. Are you?
I’m beginning a new season, and I will be starting to pursue very idealistic dreams. Too idealistic some would say. It will cost. It will be difficult at times. But it will be worth it. Ryan wrote this a few weeks ago, and it feels appropriate for here…
“It was a year of realizing that idealistic dreams are seldom sustainable in the real world as they are in my head. And that’s okay… it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t dream or try to live into God’s Future. It simply means that everything costs something.”
What price are you willing to pay to pursue your ideals?
Common Grounds
A few nights ago I headed out with my good friends Lori & Connor for a coffee in Belfast. We went to Common Grounds, my favourite place in Belfast. Check out their website here, love their motto, “Coffee not profit”. It was great to spend time with these guys… good coffee (I had a steamer actually), good company, good coffee house…
Hope In The Dark
Hope In The Dark is one of the new books I got given for Christmas. It’s quite possibly the most wonderful book I have ever held in my hands! It’s a book of photography of Africa with reflections by Jena Lee, founder of blood:water mission. The book is kind-of the embodiment of what I’d like to do with my life… take pictures that make a difference. Someday…
I stood within the filthy, shack-filled slum of Kibera while also looking up at the stunning clouds that danced across the vast stretch of African sky. There is such tragedy and yet such beauty at the same time. Overwhelmed by the insanity of this broken world, I find it difficult to understand how the pieces of it all fit together. The same earth can hold the fragrence of a field of flowers while also occupying the stench of urine on hot concrete. Who is this God that we call Father, Creator, and Lord? Kenya is here. And so is God.
Follow Me
I read a great article over on the Wrecked for the Ordinary wesbite a few days ago that I wanted to post a link to… I think you should go read it. It’s called Follow Me by Lindsey McDonald, and it describes a lot of where I am right now. This is a new year, a new season for me (will make the official blog announcment of big changes when they are all official and completed!), and I’m incredibly excited… and also quite scared!
Here’s an excerpt (emphasis mine)… though you really should go read the whole thing!
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“Follow Me.”
But, Jesus, what about comfort? What about safety? What about my desires? Jesus I want to go. I want to follow you. It’s just why does it have to be so difficult? I look around me, and I see the lives of my peers. They seem to live such normal lives with jobs that actually pay money and happy hours after work, engagements, marriages, and children.
They seem happy and it seems so easy and safe. There is a part of me that wants that right now, yet there is this louder part of me that does not.
There is this part of me, that many find ridiculous, that believes I can actually make a difference in this world; a part of me that longs to free the oppressed, to love the orphan, and to help the widow; a part of me that longs to be like you. I know I cannot be like you, though; until I leave my self behind, and it is no longer me but you. Why is it so difficult for me to forget myself?!
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