by emma | Jul 24, 2005 | Photography
Ah good times…

So I’m back from Portstewart (i know, im sorry, the blogs a bit scattered at the minute, it will be most of the summer probably!). I had such a lovely time away, i did very litte, just messing about and resting really, it was great! Ah…. how I love to be beside the sea.

I turned 18 there on Friday… scary thoughts, I suppose I should start and be semi-responsible now!! Went out for a meal in a new Italian place, which was lovely… until they brought out a cake and made a big deal out of it! I liked the lights…

We took a trip round to Carrick-a-rede rope bridge one day, was the first time I’d been there. It’s funny how easily we can forget how beautiful our own country is… man I love this place!!

by emma | Jul 16, 2005 | Everything Else
well I’m off on holidays for a few days now. My family and I are heading down to Portstewart for a week, so we will most likely do very little and have a great time doing it! It will of course mean trips to Barry’s Amusements, several beaches, the swimming pool, Coleraine, Portrush, Portstewart, Carrick-A-Reed rope bridge, and who knows where else. Unfortunatley this means my blog will be down all week pretty much, I doubt I’ll get internet access…. nooo! Anyway… have a great week guys and I’ll see you all soon!
by emma | Jul 14, 2005 | Photography
Hey guys, sorry its been so long! Somehow I just forgot to actually update this with pics and stuff from SonShine, so here goes, big long post…

Key verse… “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good deeds, and praise your Father in heaven.” Matt 5:16

Rebuilding the alter of the Lord… this was key throughout the week for volunteers.

Kids club… all 275 of them!

Cleaning the pub toilets, every morning… got some fantastic conversations.

Andrew playing at the Wednesday evening event.

Giving out free newspapers every morning…

Grafitti competition…

The light feature… this always raised questions like, ‘what on earth?’ It has 131 bulbs on it- one for every SonShine volunteer… letting our light shine!
And so the madness is over for another year… or maybe its only the beginning?
by emma | Jul 9, 2005 | Faith
well folks its been a crazy week, but it has also been an awesome week. im reminded of how great our God is again! SonShine has been brilliant, and i have loved being a part of it again. I think one of my favourite moments this week was cleaning the toilets in the Fairhill Bar on Wednesday. Jonny had a really great chat with one of the barmaids for ages, and it really hit home again how powerful simple things can be. All week long we cleaned pub toilets, the bookmakers floor, gave out free newspapers, gave away a playstation, mp3 player, beauty packs etc. I love watchin God move through simple things like that. I will post some pictures in time, but for now im catching up on some sleep! check out allys pictures on his SonShine blog,
by emma | Jul 1, 2005 | Everything Else

Things are really kicking off now… big prayer meeting last night (Seekin’ Meetin – because we’re seeking Gods face) and a prayer breakfast tomorrow morning, before we start on Monday morning.
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