Back to school…

Today was my first day back, and I have to say, it was kinda strange.

I am now in the oldest year group in school – that means we’re the ones the little ‘uns look up to and think are cool and stuff. I remember how back in the day we thought 6th years were the coolest thing since sliced bread! It also made me a bit sad, just to think that this is my last year – I have to make this one count! I know we all complain about school and homework and whatever else – but I really have been blessed in this school, with wonderful teachers, friends and subjects I (mostly) enjoy. It will take some getting used to as I begin to move on to fresh pastures…


… No more exams!! Happy days. Man its been too long since I last posted… sorry guys. Exams are finally over, had my last one this morning, ICT module 2. Went well i think! Now that they’re out of the way I have a bit more free time to concentrate on important stuff – like SonShine week, and the likes.

So next thing… Foy!

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The guy is incredible! I went to hear him play in Belfast on Friday night, and he blew me away again. Was the first time i’d heard him perform with a band, and it was impressive- im looking forward to his EP finally coming out. You can check his stuff out here. If you havent heard him yet – make the effort to go see him! Big things are a-coming.

That’ll do for today me thinks.


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In such a random mood today, dont have much to post about. Still doing exams, had one this morning, didn’t go as well as hoped, but what can you do? 8 down, only 4 to go. I finish on the 21st, so will have to treat myself after it… a nice cup of coffee in my favourite coffee shop sounds good! Not like I havent been there anyway… twice already this week… opps.

Theres a lot happening in me at the minute, lots of God-stuff, and stuff with family and friends too. Seems to be ‘going around’ currently, have noticed a few of you guys posting about ‘therapy blogs’ and the likes… well, mine is a kind of therapy in letting me get my thoughts out and written down, but not in the really personal sense where I tell you all my deepest, darkest secrets! Sorry, that stuffs reserved for my closest buds. I may post more on the topic, or what God is doing with me, as I feel lead…

Time flies…

So tomorrow morning I have 2 maths modules- a wonderful 3 hours straight of maths. To be honest, I think it should be ok, theres just a few topics I dont really understand- like the binomial theorem, i mean whats that all about??! But by this time tomorrow, I will have two-thirds of my AS level done! Nice thought. Scary too, seems like only yesterday I was just starting into sixth form. Makes me wonder if i’ve spent my time wisely. What have I done to see Jesus Christ enthroned? Sometimes I have to admit, I’ve done nothing. I’ve been weak and timid and not spoken up when I should. But I take heart in knowing that God chooses to use the weak and foolish things of this world to confound the wise.
I think something I’ve been reveling in a lot more lately than anytime before, is simply the greatness of God. His majesty. His power. His glory. His all-consuming fire. How great is our God?!!

“Your name and Your renown are the desires of our hearts.”
Isaiah 26:8

The future…

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So yea, exams are coming up on me fast, and the careers teachers are hounding me for draft UCAS forms and making choices about university and the rest of my life! So heres my thoughts on it…

“What happens if you’re not sure where you’re going, only who you’re going with and how?
What happens if you’re in it for the ride rather that the results?
What happens if friendship is more important than function?”

It’s all about the ride guys.


So today I had the privilage of being involved in what I guess was my first role as CU president (yea… i got made CU president for the year 05/06, how cool is that!). Helen and myself (last years president) had an interview with 2 guys from the Ballymena YouthBank to see if we could get some money for CU from them. We were actually pretty nervous before it, just not sure what to expect or whatever, but it went well I think… we just talked about stuff we hope to do, like girls night/guys night/band night…

Girls night…
We already had a trial run at this event… Just did lots of random girly things, like hair and make-up demos, facials, manicures, dance mats, chick flick… was class, we had about 80 people there, including people who wouldnt normally darken the doorways of Thursday CU meetings.

Guys night…
Actually ended up being an afternoon. The guys hired the Astroturf pitch and organised a football tournament, and awarded a trophy. Think we got about 50 guys along to that.

Band night…
This is kinda a development from our TNTs… having a band to lead us in praise, and then a speaker. To be honest, I’m kinda questioning the purpose of this event. It started off as for non-Christians, but we dont really get many along to it, so i’m thinking possibly make it more for Christians, as a chance to worship together, and really pray for our school and our friends.

So yea, the interview went pretty well, should find out within a few weeks if we get a grant… keep praying!

(Oh, thats Ballymena Academy Christian Union, for anyone who doesnt know me! Lol.)