by emma | Aug 13, 2009 | Everything Else
“And they said one to another: Behold the dreamer cometh.”
[Gen 37:19]
I sense the winds changing. I feel pulled more and more towards storytelling through creative arts. Photography. Graphic design. Sketching.
I’m not quite sure what to make of it. I’m not sure where it’s going. But it’s changing.
by emma | Aug 4, 2009 | Everything Else
This week starts the moving process for me: I’ll be jumping between a few flats over the next couple of months – and am mighty grateful to the folks who are being kind enough to put me up/ let me use their flats!
Packing everything away to move has reminded me how much stuff I own. I’m still amazed at how much stuff I can accumulate in the space of a few years. I did a good clear out of old clothes and other bits and bobs, took a pile of stuff to the charity shop. It feels good, clearing out. A physical reminder of the mental and emotional clearing.
Up until Monday, when I moved out of my old flat, every time I left my room I left under the covering of two words:
Love Wins
Those two words define everything for me. When everything’s gone wrong, love wins. When all my plans have fallen through, love wins. When I don’t know what continent I’ll be on in a few months, love wins. When my deepest fears come true, love wins.
I needed that reminder every day. Every. Single. Time.
Love wins.
by emma | Aug 1, 2009 | Everything Else
I’m packing to move at the minute. I have SOOO much stuff it’s unreal. Trying to be ruthless with it: give it away, chuck it out (if it’s done), or sell it. Except the books… they stay…!
Opened a new bag of coffee today. One of my flatmates, Rosie, bought me a bag of Union Hand Roast Revelation for my birthday, my favourite coffee (that I can get in the UK). The smell of fresh coffee is one of life’s greatest pleasures.
I baked bread yesterday. Not as fluffy as I’d like, but love the smells (again).
Went to the late showing last night to see The Proposal… such a funny movie. Loved hanging out with my flatmate Kirsty too… grateful for good friendships.
by emma | Jul 28, 2009 | Everything Else
A few weekends back, I spent a couple of days in Bristol for my friend Hannah’s wedding. It chucked it down all day Friday & Sunday, but mercifully stayed dry for the wedding on Saturday. Needless to say, I saw a lot of the inside of Starbucks on the other days, and reread Eat Pray Love, a book that continues to impact me greatly.
It was lovely to be reunited with a few of the gappers from last year, and to have time to hang out together leading up to Hannah & Joe’s wedding. It was fun to get ready together – five girls and one guy – making sure the hair was straightened, touching up nail polish & make up, zipping up dresses.
The service was beautiful – Hannah looked stunning, and Joe looked so unbelievably happy. They both did! Beautiful day all round.

There’s a few more photos in a flickr set here.
by emma | Jul 23, 2009 | Everything Else
So, in case ya missed it, I celebrated my 22nd birthday yesterday… mostly by enjoying the most amazing food & drink!
I enjoyed feeling like I was 12 again, by staying up to midnight so I could open presents! I made some white chocolate brownies & some pink lemonade also, which I enjoyed sharing with my flatmates as they watched me open pressies. I don’t ask for presents, and I don’t expect them… but there are a few of my best friends who still buy me some… and it’s so beautiful. To receive gifts from girls who know me so well is such a joy – in fact, I got several things for my birthday that I either did buy or almost bought for them!
After work I went out for dinner with my flatmates (who also gave me beautiful gifts), then to one of my favourite pubs for a few drinks with whoever showed up. Oh my word… the food…. soooooo good. Rosie also made me the most humungous cake. Death by chocolate anyone?
It’s truly been a day to rejoice in friendship. Spending time with my flatmates, as I draw to the end of my time living here, leaves me feeling so privileged & so thankful for the years we’ve spent together. I feel so unbelievably blessed by the people God’s put in my life. Checking my facebook & finding all these little notes of love & hope from around the globe… you guys blow me away. Thanks for being a part of my story.

Blessed beyond belief. This last year has blown me away. It just keeps getting better. More difficult, more painful, more joyous, more frustrating, more obvious… complex and simple at the same time.
by emma | Jul 18, 2009 | Everything Else
Today I’ll be attending my first wedding this year. I’ve hit my first wave of friends getting married now – a somewhat scary thought. I missed a few weddings in Australia earlier this year, when Ross & Mel, Cam & Erin, and Eli & Lauren got married.
Today I’m in Bristol for Joe & Hannah’s wedding. I can’t wait to witness them start out on married life together!

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