I’ve really enjoyed getting my (photography) work out there a bit more, as terrifying as that is. I realise I haven’t really blogged much about these things, but there are a few places you can find me currently…
‘Where Your Heart Is‘ specialises in wedding favours, and a few months back I did the photography for the site. You can also find me under their ‘featured artist‘ section at the minute.
Big Mouth Coffee is, of course, my local coffeehouse… and a few of my photographs are adorning it’s walls currently. I’m also featured on their brand new website here.
I’ve also just booked my first wedding photography gig… really excited about pushing myself creatively and can’t wait to get stuck into it! I’m also utterly terrified, but I think that’s a normal part of the process!
[Beware: shameless plug coming up]
You can check out more of my work on my website, www.emmaboyd.co.uk, and hire me by dropping me an email.
hi could i have your email please, it isn’t published anywhere on your website
its slightly urgent
@ amrita: there are links, in the post above, and on the sidebar under ‘Email Me’