Ally just sent me a link to this, Compassion’s next bloggers trip:
November 2–7, 2008 Compassion International will take a group of bloggers to see their ministry to over 40,000 children in the Dominican Republic. Known for its resort-speckled beaches, there’s another side to this Caribbean nation unknown to most vacationers. Our bloggers will visit a city dump where families scavenge for food and clothing. They’ll tour a neighborhood where drugs are trafficked and children live beside open sewers. And bloggers will also see firsthand how Compassion International and child sponsors are bringing hope to children living in these places by releasing them from poverty in Jesus’ name.
Currently, I don’t sponsor a child with any organisation. Somehow I convinced myself that as a student/unemployed person I can’t really afford to… but I have a distinct feeling I will be starting soon. How many times do I go out for a coffee in the week? I could give up two coffees a week, or Sunday lunch out, and instead put a kid through school? Give a kid a chance to hear about Jesus? I don’t really need that coffee…
This summer I’m volunteering in Uganda with Fields of Life, who among other things provide child sponsorship. I’m excited, as I get to live out some of my dreams, while doing something worthwhile. I get to take photographs, and the charity gets new images for promotion. I love the reciprocal nature of it… somehow my pictures make a difference. I was inspired by the Uganda Compassion Bloggers, hearing firsthand stories of how Compassion/sponsorship/Jesus is making a difference in peoples lives.
It’s the nature of the Gospel. God tells stories. God invites us to be storytellers.
And I can’t wait to be part of it in Uganda, in less than 6 weeks time.
To find out more:
Sponsor a child through Compassion UK
Sponsor a child/get involved with Fields Of Life
Read more about Compassion Bloggers.
thanks for the link 🙂 i am positive you will have an amazing time in uganda. i wish i could go with you!
@ anne: thanks! counting down the weeks now… i’m interested in the dominican trip, guess I’ll wait and see what happens! oh and, by the way… i live in Scotland… saw some old stuff on your blog/flickr and saw that you loved it here! come visit anytime 🙂
As someone who has attended 2 mission trips to the Dominican Republic, this trip greatly interest me. I have had the privilege of working with many of the children and have been to La escuela de la Compasión (School of Compassion) which is sponsored by Compassion International. It is amazing to see where the sponsorship money goes and the great improvements that happen in the lives of these beautiful children. Please send me more information about this trip.
Thank you,
Alicia Russell
@ Alicia: If you click the link above, for Compassion Bloggers, it will give you more info.