“The apostle Paul says we’re only clay pots – dust mixed with water, passed through fire. Hard, yes, but brittle too. Knowing this, God gave us the gift of Sabbath – not just as a day, but as an orientation, a way of seeing and knowing…

Sabbath imparts the rest of God – actual physical, mental, spiritual rest, but also the rest of God – the things of God’s nature and presence we miss in our busyness.”

[Mark Buchanan]

I’m thinking a lot about making space in my life. Making space for God to speak/act/be. Making space for me to breathe/live/love/be. Making space. Just started reading this book, The Rest Of God, in an attempt to learn more. Love this quote from it… especially the part about being hard but brittle. I’m starting to learn to slow down, stop, rest… be.