“It is useless to compare something I’m working on now to something I’ve created in the past. This line of thinking will always prove to be unhelpful and unhealthy.

The only expectation when creating should be to do the work that is in front of you.


[Blaine Hogan]

We can all suffer from unhealthy expectations, but the worst are often the expectations we have of ourselves.

You know, save the world single-handedly before breakfast and look great doing it.

Or, something like that….

The problem is, what happens when we don’t meet those expectations?
When we fall short of the standards we set for ourselves?

I have some crazy-big dreams that absolutely terrify me, and right now I feel like I’m falling short of them. That can be paralysing. Or it can be freeing.

“The only expectation when creating should be doing the work in front of you. Now.”

So, I’m starting over. I’m trying to rediscover those crazy dreams and why I even had them in the first place. It starts like this:



Read, write, watch, listen, remember.

“Our job as artists is to learn how to confess what lies unknown with us so that others might as well.”


It begins with doing the hard work of figuring out what it is that lies unknown within ourselves. Why we are driven to do what we do. Why it matters. And then we share it. Because the world needs what God is doing in your heart.