by emma | Jul 7, 2009 | Everything Else
(aside from MJ, of course)
I have a new job. I’m still in the same office in Glasgow with CA, but now doing online PR work. I started yesterday, and the next few weeks are mostly induction stuff. Very excited to get stuck into it properly.
I’ve started doing the Artists Way with a friend from work… and it is kicking my ass. Sooo hard. I’m trying to persevere with it though.
by emma | Jul 5, 2009 | Everything Else
Today, I got my first tattoo! I had a slightly wobbly start, getting very light-headed, but after some Lucozade and Starbursts we were good to go again. After a half hour or so, my inking was complete…

If you’re curious about the story, read on…
The text is Gaelic for ‘the Wild Goose’, which is what the ancient Celts used to call the Holy Spirit. Why? They thought that following God was like chasing a wild goose: it was wild, unpredictable, and you never had any idea where it was going to go next. For me, the tattoo reminds me of my roots in Ireland & Scotland, but of the crazy journey this God of mine is taking me on… it is truly a wild goose chase!
Your shout: Have you got any inkings? If so, what and why?
by emma | Jul 3, 2009 | Everything Else
Wendy & I headed up to Luss yesterday afternoon to enjoy the beautiful weather… very chilled out, lots of sunshine, water, and good coffee.

Beautiful day.
by emma | Jun 23, 2009 | Everything Else
I’ve been a particularly poor blogger lately… forgive me!
Went to the Generation Digital conference in Birmingham. Excellent stuff, very practical. Was nice to spend a little time in Birmingham too, even if briefly. Lot’s of reminders of the missions trip I took there 6 years ago… I went on a ‘Teens In Mission’ trip after being at Teenstreet; it was my first missions trip. Crazy.
I went straight from Birmingham to Northern Ireland to celebrate my mums birthday, bit of a big one this year! Dad took her away for a few days, and we had a big family BBQ at our house when they came back. Lots of family in one place is always interesting(!), but it was great to see her have such a lovely night.
Got to spend some time with my best friend, and in my favourite place on the planet, so all in all quite an enjoyable few days. Portstewart always leaves me feeling so peaceful; love that feeling I get as soon as I drive up, like my soul breathes deeper.
What have you guys been up to?
by emma | Jun 12, 2009 | Everything Else
My good friend Ruhiyyih (Rose) got engaged last weekend. I’m posting this as a way of saying a huge CONGRATULATIONS but also, to share their story.

[Photo by Stephen Elliot]
“If Jesus can be extravagant with grace, then I can be extravagant with what I have to” the email read.
I stared at the computer screen, fighting tears. A blogging friend, someone I have never met but felt a strong kindred-spirit connection with, had just made the most outrageous offer I’d ever heard.
Read the rest of their engagement story over on Rose’s blog.
by emma | Jun 11, 2009 | Everything Else
You are invited to… the Kelvin 5k Fun Run on Saturday 13th June 2009 at 2pm!

This exciting community event, at the start of the West End Festival, is a great chance to get fit and have fun in Kelvingrove park. You don’t have to be mega-sporty, participants are welcome to run, walk or dance their way through our 5k.
Open to all over 15s for only £5, simply fill in the registration form on the website Why not also get family and friends to sponsor you to support Radio Lollipop at Yorkhill Children’s Hospital?
All runners must register at the Gray St entrance in Kelvingrove Park, by 1.30pm on the day. Everyone will receive a goody bag after the race, and be treated to a free burger at our BBQ.
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