
The website is getting a fresh lick of paint.

“Finally!” you gasp.

Yes. Bare with me as it goes through the iterations, we’re nearly there…

[Oh yes. And do let me know what you think of it, please?]

New Beginnings

I grew tired of this for a while. I needed my energy for the offline part of my life more.

Now, I’m back.


I’m going to give this place a fresh lick of paint (metaphorically, obviously) soon.

For now, here’s a pretty picture.

Blown In The Wind


Six months ago I swapped bedrooms with my little brother in my parents house. It was a totally logical, no-brains decision… my room was bigger, and I didn’t live there anymore.

Fast forward to February, and I’m moving back in with my parents.

A little redecoration was in order.

No longer are the farm animal borders or stickers on the door.
Say hello to a functional desk & chair, and a glorious blackboard wall… with thanks to my buddy Andy for the inspiration.