Waiting :: Editing :: Coffee

I’m passing time waiting for a train to Portrush this morning – working in my friend Trev’s cafe for a few days – and thought I’d be productive and do some more photo editing as I wait. So here I am, sitting in McDonalds in Ballymena, with free wifi – is it just me or is that a new thing?!

Welcome to Northern Ireland: land of no early or late opening places to eat/drink, land of “interesting” public transport that runs at incredibly awkward times. In fairness, they are upgrading the trains, but still… I need to be at work for 12noon, and its about 45miles away… I left my house at 8am to get a lift to Ballymena, to get a train to Coleraine, to change and get another train to Portrush… makes me appreciate Glasgow a lot more!

So, I’m sitting in McDonalds, with a large coffee, editing.

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[For the life of me I cannot make this picture rotate]


I’m back in Northern Ireland for a few days seeing family and friends, and a little bit of work. This is how my family greeted me when I got to our family home: