In The Motherland

Looking after the little(est) bro.

Working from the Belfast office.

Drinking coffee & talking art/ design/ creativity/ life with good friends.

Currently minus internet at the house.

Subscribe To The Blog!

You might have noticed that I redesigned the blog layout recently… how’d you like it? Anything bugging you about it?

I tidied up the links along the right hand column, making it easier for you to find me in my various other online forms (my photography website, twitter, facebook, etc). I’ve also added a couple of quick links, so you can send me an email, and also so you can subscribe. I’ve been using it for the past week or so; I don’t know how many of you would find it useful or not but the options there now! If you click the subscribe link and enter your email address, my blog posts will arrive in your email inbox each day!

I know – you were really looking for more ways to have me in your life…!

Brain Dump

  • Went to Paper Tiger in Edinburgh for the first time on Tuesday. Can’t believe I never knew this place existed before!
  • Connor, an incredible friend & photographer, just published his first book on Blurb. Leave Only Footprints is a collection of photographs from around the world. Check it out here.
  • “That is morally suspect and morally feeble. It is unfair and irresponsible of the government to put pressure on the public to spend in order to revive the economy.” Anglican Bishops speak out on BBC news.
  • Read the most beautiful graphic novel, Blankets by Craig Thompson.
  • Listening to a lot of Brooke Fraser right now. She’s not afraid to tackle hard subjects.
  • “I often find myself thinking complaints about life, about business or politics or relationships. Anymore, though, when I complain, I am starting to realize that, in part, every ounce of nothingness in life is my fault, because I always have the ability to speak something into it, to create a different reality. A theory that life is meaningless is just an excuse not to try. It’s safe. It’s risk free. It may end in ruin, but it is a ruin we can control, and we know with certainty what will happen. We will be bored. Or worse.” [Don Miller, via Julie]

New Year, New Goals

A few new years goals…

  • Get to grips with my finances
  • Learn French
  • Have a piece of my writing published
  • Visit a country I’ve never been to before
  • Learn how to do good portrait photography

The finances thing is a big one for me. I really want to get to grips with it, figure out how to be wise with my money. I have no idea how it’s going to look yet, but a few years back I was inspired by Ryan & Holly, and now feels like the right time to really get a handle on it.

It’s that time of year when everyone is thinking about what’s ahead, and I’ve been enjoying reading the thoughts of people wiser than myself. There are a few of those thoughts that have been ruminating in my head…

“What am I working on that is BIG?” [Brad Lomenick]

“I will not settle with resolutions that only serve me.” [Kirsty Mac]

“The opportunity this year is bigger than ever: to lead change, to create a movement in a direction you want to go. While the rest of your world huddles and holds back, here’s a golden chance to use cheap media, available attention and great talent to make something that matters.” [Seth Godin]

What about you, what are you aiming for this year?

Texting It In

Last year on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day, mobile phone users around the world sent a record-breaking 43 billion text messages, 30% more than the previous year.

Source: Harvard Business Daily Stat

Inevitably, the networks will all screech to a halt around midnight as everyone desperately texts friends & family to welcome in the new year… It’s a somewhat mixed thing for me. In some ways a text at New Years seems a little predictable, a little unoriginal, a little impersonal (mass texts?!)… yet I still love getting some of them. And inevitably, I end up sending some.

I guess I wonder, how can I remember to value & love the people around me for the rest of the year too, not just at New Years? I’m always searching for new ways to convey my appreciation & gratitude to the people who make me who I am.

Your shout: What do you think of NY texts? How can we show gratitude year-round?

What A Year

For the past few years, I’ve taken some time at the end of December to read back through my blog archives of the year. It’s an exercise that really helps me to remember things; to see the journey I’ve been over the course of a year. Here’s a few of my highlights from 2008… what a year it’s been!

Leaving university
Long weekend in Berlin with Sara, including Long Night At The Musuem
Surprising my friend Bekah in a coffeehouse in Chicago
Meeting the Cobalt Season & hearing them play live
Eating at Ed Debevics in Chicago again!
Spending time with the staff at Ebenezers in DC
Meeting Brian McLaren twice (once in DC in March, then in Glasgow in Dec)
Hearing John Sentamu speak at the liveit! conference in Mancherster
Spending a weekend in Glencoe celebrating Reubens 21st with friends
The incredible generosity of friends & strangers for my East Africa trip
My first paid photography job (Second Year Medic Ball, UoG)
A surprise birthday meal with the Aberdeen team in Kampala
Watching the birthday video my new Australian friends filmed for me
Shooting documentary photography around Uganda & Rwanda with FOL
White water rafting on the River Nile
My first Greenbelt festival
Getting to know the incredible people on the Christian Aid gap year
Getting to know some of the amazing staff of Christian Aid
Spending 2 weeks in the DR Congo visiting Christian Aid partners
Doing an engagement photoshoot for Lori & Connor
Exhibitions in London & Kinshasa featuring my DR Congo photos

I feel blessed beyond belief. I’m looking ahead to 2009 now, with a little trepidation yet a lot of excitement!