by emma | Feb 22, 2009 | Everything Else
Been a tough few days, the blogs been quiet (or filled with quotes I’ve been reading). I’ve been back in NI since Friday. One of my closest friends has just lost her dad to pancreatic cancer, I came back for the funeral yesterday & to just be around for her for a day or two. It’s been hard & draining, and I’ve done nothing. I can’t even imagine how she’s feeling, she’s so strong & she inspires me beyond belief.
I want to write more, but maybe later. Pray for Jill & her family if you would. I’ll be back in Glasgow tomorrow.
by emma | Feb 16, 2009 | Everything Else
Read an interesting article on BJP about the Counter-Terrorism Act 2008 (an ammendment to the Terrorism Act 2000), which allows for the arrest and imprisonment of anyone who takes pictures of police officers ‘likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism’.
It covers members of the armed forces, the intelligence services and police officers, and if found guilty you could be facing up to 10 years in jail.
What do you guys think about this? I have some thoughts, but I’d like to hear your comments first…
by emma | Feb 11, 2009 | Everything Else
I’m taking off on retreat for a few days. Need some space & time to decompress and just unwind a bit. Unplugging from email, twitter, facebook, all t’internet, mobile…
See ya Saturday.
by emma | Feb 8, 2009 | Everything Else
What a great way to start the Six Nations!

by emma | Jan 31, 2009 | Everything Else
Spending the week in London means exploring some new places… one of those new places last week for me was Wahaca.

Wahaca describes itself as ‘Mexican market food’… and man, was it good! I went to the Covent Garden branch (there’s another one in White City) with a few of my gaptastic colleagues for a late dinner on Thursday evening, my last night in London. The food was great, and I loved the vibe of the place… very laid-back, good music, and excellent prices for London.
Highly recommend it if you’re in town!
by emma | Jan 26, 2009 | Everything Else
I’ve had a few days of hanging out with amazing friends in a few different countries…
Meandering around Belfast & grabbing some coffee in my fav NI coffeehouse with Lori…

Watching superhero movies in Glasgow with Hannah…
(whom I haven’t personally taken a photo of yet…. I should fix that soon; for now I’ve stolen this off her facebook…)

And hanging out in London with Mah, one of the inspiring gappers I get to work alongside at Christian Aid…

How was your weekend?!
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