Love Wins

This week starts the moving process for me: I’ll be jumping between a few flats over the next couple of months – and am mighty grateful to the folks who are being kind enough to put me up/ let me use their flats!

Packing everything away to move has reminded me how much stuff I own. I’m still amazed at how much stuff I can accumulate in the space of a few years. I did a good clear out of old clothes and other bits and bobs, took a pile of stuff to the charity shop. It feels good, clearing out. A physical reminder of the mental and emotional clearing.

Up until Monday, when I moved out of my old flat, every time I left my room I left under the covering of two words:

Love Wins

Those two words define everything for me. When everything’s gone wrong, love wins. When all my plans have fallen through, love wins. When I don’t know what continent I’ll be on in a few months, love wins. When my deepest fears come true, love wins.

I needed that reminder every day. Every. Single. Time.

Love wins.

Random Thoughts

I’m packing to move at the minute. I have SOOO much stuff it’s unreal. Trying to be ruthless with it: give it away, chuck it out (if it’s done), or sell it. Except the books… they stay…!

Opened a new bag of coffee today. One of my flatmates, Rosie, bought me a bag of Union Hand Roast Revelation for my birthday, my favourite coffee (that I can get in the UK). The smell of fresh coffee is one of life’s greatest pleasures.

I baked bread yesterday. Not as fluffy as I’d like, but love the smells (again).

Went to the late showing last night to see The Proposal… such a funny movie. Loved hanging out with my flatmate Kirsty too… grateful for good friendships.