Last year on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day, mobile phone users around the world sent a record-breaking 43 billion text messages, 30% more than the previous year.
Source: Harvard Business Daily Stat
Inevitably, the networks will all screech to a halt around midnight as everyone desperately texts friends & family to welcome in the new year… It’s a somewhat mixed thing for me. In some ways a text at New Years seems a little predictable, a little unoriginal, a little impersonal (mass texts?!)… yet I still love getting some of them. And inevitably, I end up sending some.
I guess I wonder, how can I remember to value & love the people around me for the rest of the year too, not just at New Years? I’m always searching for new ways to convey my appreciation & gratitude to the people who make me who I am.
Your shout: What do you think of NY texts? How can we show gratitude year-round?
ah the generic texts! GRRRRRR lol