by emma | Oct 24, 2008 | Africa, Travel
On Saturday morning I’m flying out to Kinshasa, DR Congo, with the rest of the Christian Aid gap year staff. We’re going to visit some of the partners we work with in DRC to witness first-hand the difference our actions, campaigning and money makes on the ground. We’ve got an exciting itinerary lined up for us, including some cultural highlights such as a Congolese meal.
For some of the group, it will be their first experience of a developing country, for some of us it will be a returning to a continent we already love. Thats the beauty of a trip like this, and to a gap year program like this – there is such diversity.
I’m excited about it; and yet I’m nervous about how much my heart can hold.
While we’re away, we’ll be blogging (as and when possible) at our trip blog here:
Come say hi!
Aside from that, I’m taking a bit of a social media sabbatical – no twitter, no facebook, no blogging here. I’ll be back in a few weeks, have a good two weeks folks!
by emma | Oct 22, 2008 | Africa, Social Justice
Tonight I had my heart broken again.

I finally got to see the Invisible Children movie tonight. They’ve just launched their IC Europe efforts properly, and are doing a tour around the UK screening the movie in as many places as possible. (If you want to host a screening click here… Ami will help, she’s lovely!) Invisible Children are working in Northern Uganda trying to counter the effects of a drawn-out civil war.
I didn’t get a chance to go to Gulu when I was in Uganda this summer, but I did get to have dinner in Kampala with my friend Jess, who interned as the IC photographer all summer. We shared stories of our summers over some food and Stoney.
I miss Uganda.
There is this scene towards the end of the movie, where a young Uganda boy who has shared his story over the course of the movie, speaks to the guys, saying,
“Don’t forget us. Watch this video a month later, and remember us. Please don’t forget us.”
I threw myself back into this hectic UK lifestyle. A new job. Flitting between multiple cities. Working full time for the first time. Not being a student. Stress. Confusion.

Earlier this week I finally took all the video from my trip summer past off my camcorder and put it onto my hard drive. I watched back through the most of it, for the first time since I came back. The smiling kids. The devoted staff. The passionate teams.
Watch this, and remember us.
There are so many stories and sometimes I feel overwhelmed by them. I guess I feel a little compassion fatigue at the minute. All the stories from my summer in Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya. On Saturday I am heading to DR Congo for two weeks. More stories to tell.

I’m not sure how much my heart can take.
It’s a good thing that it doesn’t just stay in my heart, but overflows to you all.

“… Break my heart for what breaks yours // Everything I am for your kingdoms cause…”
by emma | Oct 21, 2008 | Social Justice
A few weekends ago I was at a climate change coference organised by the Edinburgh Climate Network. It was really well put together, and I blogged my notes shortly after it. I thought I’d do a little tidy-up post to give you links to them all in one, easily accessible place.
Pre-Conference: Edinburgh Climate Change Conference
Session One: Climate Change: The Evidence & The Options
Session Two: Creation Care: Theology & Practice
Workshop One: Food & Climate Change
Session Three: Why & How (Not) To Care For The Climate
Session Four: Scottish & Global Perspectives
Closing Thoughts: Climate Change: Moving Forward
by emma | Oct 21, 2008 | Photography
I’ve been working hard over the last month to get my photography website up and running, and it’s finally here! It’s not perfect yet, but I’m happy with it so far. Check it out, tell me what you think… improvements? Comments?

emma | boyd photograhy
by emma | Oct 18, 2008 | Musings
Oh how I need a bit of head space…
John O’Donohue writes beautiful poetry. His book of blessings is most definately the kind of book that needs read aloud.
I’m traveling a lot. Was in Edinburgh last weekend, in London during the week for a few days, in Galston this coming Monday, and back to London on Friday before flying to Kinshasa early Saturday morning. It’s fun, but tiring.
I work with amazing people. The other gap staff are incredible; there is such diversity and yet such a shared passion for justice. We are slowly getting to know each other better, and I am loving every minute of getting to know them.
London at night is beautiful. I took a walk along the river on Wednesday evening, snapped some pictures, listened to Duke Special. (Pictures coming soon)
I adore cities. I love the hustle and bustle, the endless possibilities.
Autumn is my favourite season. A little sunshine, yet crisp, cold days. I struggle to function well in the mornings, but I am slowly learning to appreciate my morning wanders to work. I’m excited about the changing season, not just physically but in my own heart.
That said, I miss the heat! You get used to hot climates very quickly.. I’m looking forward to a few weeks in the sun in DRC.
I’m dreaming about a trip to west coast USA in the summer. I’d love to see some cities I don’t remember very well (LA, San Francisco), some cities I have never been to (Portland, Seattle, maybe Vancover), and meet/hang out with some amazing bloggers/ blog friends/ inspiring artists/ musicians/ writers/ photographers who live on the west coast (Julie, Amos, Daley, Ryan & Holly).
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