Mark Yaconelli is the keynote speaker this weekend at NYA2008, and I have to say it’s the first time that I’ve actually heard any of his thinking. I’ve been aware of books by both him and his late father Mike for a while now, but haven’t quite managed to get round to reading any of them. Mark is an absolute master storyteller – I could sit and listen to him for hours, the way he draws you into the narrative and makes you feel invested in it.
Anyway, here are some notes from his message yesterday morning.
- Have a feeling that if Jesus were here, he wouldn’t use so many words. He would look & really see you. And he would listen.
- The invitation in the first part of the passage (Acts 1): that we would be good receivers.
- After Jesus’ baptism, when he is told he is beloved: the difference between Jesus & us is that Jesus believes it!
- The work of the Christian faith is to be a good receiver, to learn to be loved.
- How many of us are driven by this anxiety about what we’re going to “do”?
- We need to slow down long enough to receive, to notice.
- We’re scared to leave the prisons of our mind, because we know their systems, it’s secure. But Jesus wants us to be free! The prisons aren’t real.
- Who would you be if you were free?
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