by emma | Jun 27, 2008 | Africa, Travel
Thought I’d give you guys a wee glimpse of one of the FOL guesthouses, Emmaus. I’m currently staying in their other guesthouse, Shalom, but Emmaus is just up the road a short walk, and it has stunning views out over the countryside & the city…

Not bad, eh?! Check out the Fields Of Life website to see more of what the charity does. There isn’t much information on the guesthouse online (in fact, there’s pretty much none!), but I’m working on that! I’m designing a brochure for the guesthouses which will either be put online as a PDF or reworked into the site to include online booking.
by emma | Jun 26, 2008 | Books

Just finished reading Vince Antonucci’s book, I Became A Christian And All I Got Was This Lousy T-shirt. It’s been on my radar for a while, and I picked a copy up last time I was hanging out with Ally and losing more money in the FM shop. Vince’s book is all about challenging us to leave behind boredom and to start passionately following after Jesus. I’ll be honest, there were no major new things or mind-boggling moments for me, but this is far and away the funniest book I have read in a long time! It’s laugh-out-loud stuff, such as Vince’s “Top Ten Reasons I’m Glad I Don’t Live In A Monastery”!
The book is great, and I recommend you read it if only for the sheer fun of it! That said, it’ll make you take a fresh look at some of your preconceptions. Funny AND spiritual – how’s that for ya!
Check out Vince’s blog at
Check out the book’s website at
by emma | Jun 26, 2008 | Design, Travel
This morning I’m doing some research on designing a calendar, and on designing a brochure for the Fields Of Life guesthouses here in Kampala. It’s been fairly relaxed so far, nothing to strenuous, as I’m just taking it easy and getting acclimatised. At the weekend four different teams from Northern Ireland will be arriving, so all the staff in the guesthouses are busy busy busy preparing for that. Then things will really kick off!
I’ll be taking some photographs over the next week or two of the two guesthouses, Shalom and Emmaus, trying to capture them at their best. If you’ve got any experience of interior photography, leave a comment or drop me a line and give me some advice!!
by emma | Jun 25, 2008 | Travel
A run-down on what’s in the bag…

Apple Macbook 13″
Nikon D50 body
Sigma 10-20mm lens
Nikkor 70-300mm lens
Nikkor 50mm f1.8 lens
Quantary 18-50mm lens
2 x Spare batteries
Jessops 280D flash gun
Apple Macbook charger
77mm polarising filter
LaCie external hard drive
Polaroid camera
Portable charger for phone/iPod
JVC HD Everio camcorder
Waterproof disposable 35mm film camera
Lomo SuperSampler camera
Apollo card reader
& some other chargers/cables
by emma | Jun 25, 2008 | Africa, Travel
I’m here! Sitting in the Fields Of Life office in Kampala. Pictures, videos, and words to follow soon!
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