“I cried, I think, because I was coming to understand in a new way just how much was required of me, how much God was going to strip away all my everything, like silver polish taking the tarnish off old forks. I cried because I know more and more how Chekov was right, how we are all running around desperate to make connections with one another, but mostly we are all just estranged. Because I know more and more that this glass here is so very dark, that this really is a long loneliness, that it is both lonely and long.
Sometimes I feel God has taken a paring knife to me. I know the way an apple feels.”
[Short extract from Girl Meets God by Lauren Winner.]
That is an awesome excerpt. What writing!
i’m glad its inspiring you. i think its one of my favourite books about Jesus and people.
enjoy your trip kiddo.
@ suz: cheers for lending it to me… i loved it! it was so easy to read and had such profound stuff in it at times. amazingness.