
Back in Glasgow…

… with my Christmas tripod (ie alternatvie Christmas tree / geeks Christmas tree)…

christmas tripod

Risk & Uncertainty

“The nature of the spiritual life is that we are certain in our uncertainties, consequently we don’t make our nests anywhere… Certainty is the mark of the common-sense life; gracious uncertainty is the mark of the spiritual life. To be certain of God means that we are uncertain in all our ways, we don’t know what a day will bring forth.”

[Oswald Chambers]

“Many of us are afraid of taking risks in case things don’t work out well – in case we “fail”. Such concerns are legitimate, but perhaps we need to reasses what constitues “failure”. Is failure when things don’t work out as we had hoped or expected? Or is failure not having the courage to risk living out our dreams?”

[Simon Guillebaud]


I’m heading out the door to the airport again…
Off to Latvia for a week to rest and more…
Probably won’t be replying to emails or blogs or texts, so don’t be offended.
Spending some time staying with Levi.
I’m back into Glasgow late night next Friday, perhaps blog after then!

Christmas & Friendship

… are beautiful things…

Lori & Rachel

George Square Snow

Spent last weekend with Lori & Rachel who were over visiting me. Felt very Christmasey – it even snowed while we were at George Square taking in the Christmas sights and sounds and lights. Drank Creme Brulee Latees and walked in the snow and listened to Sufjan Stevens Songs For Christmas (which is beautiful, by the way).

Lyndsey & Kate


A Cornerful Of Christmas

Then, joy of joys, got invited round by some friends to share Christmas dinner… amazingly good food, pudding, and mulled wine, great company, games of charades, taking pictures, enjoying friendships.

I have so much to be thankful for. I love you guys!

John Sentamu

This man is a complete legend. I wish I could think of such creative, socially disrubtive ideas that would convey God’s heart for justice better.

HT: Holly