Be With Me

Foy’s single, Be With Me, is released today… go buy it! His new album is released on July 2nd, titled Hope, and let me tell you… it is well worth buying! I managed to get my hands on an early copy (thanks Foy!), and it has got some superb tunes on it. The single “Be With Me” and “Two Shades Of Love” are my favourite tracks so far.

You can buy the single on iTunes or pre-order the album from Townsend Records.

Homeless Bum?

Isaiah 58 is a passage I am constantly challenged by. I read it again yesterday and was challenged by verses 6-9 especially. I wonder, could this be used in relation to tithing/giving as well?

This is what poured out when I started writing what I was thinking…

“I dont want your tithes if all you’re going to do with them is build bigger offices and install new stained glass windows. What I want is justice – buy the big issue seller lunch, give the homeless guy your spare bed for a week (and maybe longer afterwards). Give away your extra 2 coats. Sell the 4th TV in your house and use it to give someone a Christmas present.

Then you’ll find that I’ve been close all along. I’ve never been away, you just haven’t seen me because I’ve been in disguise, and you never noticed the homeless bum I was.”

Going After The Nobodies

“Go after the people nobody wants and I’ll give you the people everybody wants.”

This is the thing that the LA Dream Center felt God press deep onto their hearts. Love this vision… maybe because I feel myself pulled towards the nobodies so much, which can be a difficult/painful/lonely experience.

HT: Mark

Worshiping A Hunk Of Metal

Last week (while my net was down) I was reading through the book of Daniel. I find it really helpful to write up some thoughts on things that I’ve learnt – it helps me to distill what I’ve been learning and need to remember and keep working on.

“Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to the king, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king. But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.”

[Daniel 3:16-18]

I love the almost of reckless abandon and faith Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego show here. Despite that, I can’t help but wonder… where is Daniel? Less than a chapter ago, king Nebuchadnezzar fell at Daniels feet in worship, and declared his (Daniels) God, YHWY, to be THE God. Seven verses later Nebuchadnezzar has the whole peoples bowing down to worship a 90-feet tall golden statue.

Sorry… huh?!? Did you catch that? In seven verses we go from declaring YHWH to be the greatest God, to worshiping a big hunk of metal.

In between these two events, the king made Daniel ruler over all of Babylon. This is the context we are in leading up to this verse.

YHWH acknowledged as greatest.

Daniel made ruler.

Everyone worshiping a gold statue.

In step Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, threatened with being thrown into a blazing furnace.

Their courage and tenacity inspire me to strive for more in my life. I do not have to live the way the world lives. I do not have to value the things the world values. I do not have to spend all my time, money, and effort striving after the elusive “American dream” (UK dream).

I am free to chase after God.

“Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek your face, O God of Jacob.”

[Psalm 24:6]