by emma | Mar 26, 2007 | Words
Ally sent me the link to this article the other day, saying I’d enjoy the read…
“God, give us a vision for a new kind of world. We grieve, we honor, we condemn. But we want to move through that. We want to have asked the hard, hard questions. But we want to move though that too. And we want to be people of a dream, which we believe is your dream for the world. But then, God, we want to move past that. We want to move to action. … God, what would this look like? Show us millions of different ways to bless — to bless in such a way that it would literally shake the foundation of the Earth and capture us with this kind of dream. … Please, God, open our eyes.“
[Rob Bell]
Technorati Tags: Rob Bell, emerging church
by emma | Mar 25, 2007 | Words
But everything inside you knows
Says more than what you’ve heard
So much more than empty conversations
Filled with empty words
And you’re on fire
When he’s near you
You’re on fire
When he speaks
You’re on fire
Burning at these mysteries
Give me one more time around
Give me one more chance to see
Give me everything you are
Give me one more chance to be… (near you)
[On Fire – Switchfoot]
This song holds double meaning for me… if you know what I’m saying.
by emma | Mar 24, 2007 | Africa, Faith, Film

Last night I went to see Amazing Grace at the cinema with a crowd of folks. The film tells the story of William Wilberforce and the fight for the abolition of slavery.
The film is incredible… you must go see it! There were several moments during the film where I had a tear in my eye. Ioan Gruffudd gives a stunning performance as Wilberforce, not least of which of Wilberforce’s faith. It’s hard to imagine that Gruffudd can’t have been impacted in so manner by it.
The film sparked some thoughts for me, I’ll share later when I’ve had time to process them a bit, but for now… just go see it OK!!
Technorati tags: amazing grace, William Wilberforce, slavery
by emma | Mar 22, 2007 | Faith, Photography

[Les Mystères de la Passion du Christ by Antonio Campi]
I stood staring at this picture for a long time on Monday morning. I went to the Louvre Museum on Monday, which is amazing… the place is huge and you could easily spend a whole day in it.
I don’t know what it is about this picture but I just couldn’t pull my gaze away from it…
by emma | Mar 22, 2007 | Words
On the contrary, I want the kids I love to follow Jesus because I genuinely believe following Jesus is the best kind of life. Eternity aside, I want them to be transformed by the Gospel right here and right now, for their sakes and for the sakes of all the lost and broken people out there who need them to start living as Jesus’ disciples. After
all, the sooner we all start following Jesus by feeding the poor and freeing the oppressed, the sooner God’s will shall be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
[Bart Campolo]
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